After giving you the first names exclusively a few weeks ago, here we are able to announce the rest of the line-up of this 17th edition of Hellfest!

178 bands (+ 4 bands to be announced before the festival), 6 stages and without a doubt one of the most open and varied line-ups in terms of “extreme music”!

🔈 – Find now on Spotify the playlists of each scene to discover the program in detail

📖 – On the reading side, you can now find the famous “bios” of each band on our website and mobile app (a big thank you to our amazing editors: Karajuju, Wombat & Matt!)

Good discoveries to all, see you in 212 days at CLISSON ROCK CITY!

PS: Don’t hesitate to come and discuss the line-up on:– The Discord: discord.gg/hellfestopenair
– The forum:




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